California Online Business License | |
California Online Business License |
8/3/2009 12:00 AM
| Virtual Shopping USA is an online mega department store. |
| A sellers permit allows two things. Firstly, it allows you to properly charge and pay sales tax on the sales you make, which is more and more important for internet businesses as the law concerning internet sales and sales tax changes nation wide. It also allows you to buy wholesale, meaning tax free. A business license is a certification, usually from the city, though sometimes from the county, and very very rarely, from the state, declaring the legality of your business operations, as well as registering you for local taxes, emergency services, and business incentives and subsidies. |
| We sell everything and anything nationwide through United States based dropshippers. Our main base of operations is Los Angeles California but we sell nationwide. Considering your situation and the nature of your business, there are two things you will need to pursue more than anything else. Business Licenses and Sellers Permits. These two filings will be the legal backbone of your business. As laws concerning internet sales change and mutate on an almost contant basis, it becomes essential for business that sell in multiple states to get sellers permits in any state they offer their services. Any state that requires an online merchant to charge sales tax is a state that merchant needs a sellers permit in. Equally important is the license by which you operate. Just as you must be licensed to sell, you must be licensed to stant, and everywhere you stand, no matter where your head quarters are, you must have a business license. This is not optional, and indeed, beneficial. |
| 03 - Since you are selling merchandise, here are the licenses and tax ids you are legally required to obtain before starting business operations: 1. A business tax registration license 2. A DBA assumed business name 3. A federal tax id number also is required in most state for those that they get a seller's permit, and if you are a partnership or you want to use it instead of you social security number to open a bank account. Also, note that forming an llc or incorporating eliminates the requirement of getting a dba. It is a good idea to form an llc to avoid personal liability from business transactions. Since you are dealing in merchandise, you will need 4. A seller's permit. |
| Simply go online to www.businessnameusa.com and answer our online questionuaire to determine your needs. Then fill in our business infromation form, leaving blank only those areas you can not fill in. Finally, complete our paymeny information form and we will begin processing your order imediatelly. |
| www.businessnameusa.com P.O. Box 14927 Long Beach CA, 90853 310-455-6675 |
| Without a sellers permit, a business is unable to properly charge or pay sales tax, which leads inevitable to audits and fines on money that a business most likely does not have. This is a bad place to be. What's more, Without a sellers permit, a business can not make wholesale purchases, which are a huge money saver. The essential nature of the business license can not be understated. In its absence, not only can a business be shut down at any time, simply for being in operation without one, but it can also result in the business owner being charged with a variety of misdemeanor penalties as well as being subject to a wide range of fines. |
| Seller's Permit: $79.99 Business License: $79.99 Total : $159.98 Additional Information: Go online at this address to determine the cost of your forms on a state by state basis: http://www.businessnameusa.com/services/fees.htm We have recently reduced our already high competitive prices. |
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